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“Drug encapsulation in biocompatible microparticles for drug delivery” Webinar

WEBINAR REPLAY – Drug encapsulation in biocompatible microparticles for drug delivery

April 30th 2020


In pharmaceutical area, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) encapsulation into biodegradable and biocompatible polymers is widely used for producing new smart Drug Delivery Systems. The goal of these drug delivery systems is to supply doses of drugs for a sustained period of time at targeting specific sites in the body. This can be achieved by efficiently loading drugs into microparticles which will protect the API during physiological transport and release it when the microparticles have reached their specified target location(s). To regulate the release of the drug, it is critical to controllably produce microparticles with known sizes and a homogeneous size distribution as the rate of drug release is proportional to microparticle size. 

Among all techniques available for microparticle production, microfluidic and droplet-based microfluidic ones appear as the best solutions to precisely control microparticle production in terms of size, API loading and encapsulation efficiency.

In this webinar, we are going to discuss how microfluidics can allow API encapsulation into biocompatible and biodegradable microparticles for drug delivery. 

What you’ll learn: 

How microfluidics can be used for API encapsulation in microparticles 

What is droplet microfluidics? 

Learn a new method for microparticle production

Conference animated by : 

Adam Meziane, Product manager, Fluigent

Adrien Dewandre, Technology Lead, Secoya Technologies 

Arnaud REITZ, R&D project manager, Fluigent 

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