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Concepts of microfluidics – Webinar Replay

Webinar Replay – Concepts of microfluidics

May 14th 2020


This webinar aims to provide a broad introduction to microfluidics by introducing the attendee to microfluidics and related physical principles. The webinar will also feature some typical applications   

  • Understand the controlling principles of microfluidics and how to optimize them for your research field (life science, pharmaceutical, analytical chemistry …)
  • You are new to microfluidics and want to expand your overall knowledge of microfluidic systems and related physical principles.


What you will learn: 

Introduction to microfluidics: 

  • definitions and terminology, 
  • history and areas of application. 

Overview of common microfluidic systems: 

  • microfluidic chips  
  • microfluidic flow controllers 

Physical principles related to microfluidics: 

  • Laminar flow 
  • Diffusion in microfluidics and how to control mixing 

Droplet microfluidics: 

Definitions and related physics  

  • Droplet chip designs and droplet generation regimes 
  • Surfactants in droplet microfluidics 



Why you should attend: 

Understand the controlling principles of microfluidics and how to optimize them for your research field (life science, pharmaceutical, analytical chemistry …) 

You are new to microfluidics and want to expand your overall knowledge of microfluidic systems and related physical principles. 



Bruno Charlety, Application Scientist, Fluigent 

Arnaud REITZ, R&D project manager, Fluigent 

Bastien Cotte, Communication manager, Fluigent 

Marine Verhulsel, Product manager, Fluigent 


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